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Shabbat Service

We follow the Minhag of the United Synagogue using the Sack's Prayer Book as the main Siddur.  However, we have a selection of Siddurim for Sephardi and others, so that members of our Congregation can worship from any Siddur with which they they feel most familiar.


Shacharit begins: 9:30am

Pesach Services

Tuesday 23rd April 2004 - First Day

Shacharit begins: 9:45am

Wednesday 24th April 2004 - Second Day

Shacharit begins: 9:45am

Monday 27th April 2004 - Seventh Day

Shacharit begins: 9:45am

Tuesday 28th April - Eighth Day
Shacharit begins: 9:45am

"Tomorrow's world is born in what we teach our children today"

- Rabbi Lord  Jonathan Sacks zt"l

During Covid-19

Our members wellbeing always comes first. We are very strict in implementing Government and United Synagogue's guidelines regarding the current Coronavirus pandemic.


All attendees must register with us prior to attending services with priority given to members.  Entry will be refused to anyone that has not registered in advance.  Face masks, washing hands and a minimum of 2m+ social distancing is compulsory on site (including entering and leaving).


Our Shul, prayer hall and W/C all have easy access to hand sanitizers, antibacterial wipes or sprays and disposable gloves.


The premises is cleaned and disinfected continuously.


To read the United Synagogue's guidance, please click here 


Our Mission


Our Kiddusim are sponsored by our members.

This is usually when our congregation interacts, eat, drink and enjoy each other's company.


Due to Covid-19, our Kiddushim have been suspended until further notice

We Need Your Support Today!

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